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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mandala for Mother Earth

I chose to create a crystal mandala on which to meditate and help me to connect with sacred geometry. I dedicated the mandala to Mother Earth. The theme of the mandala was the four elements and tying those in with the platonic solids. I based the layout of the mandala on the Native American medicine wheel.

At the centre of the mandala I placed a clear quartz dodecahedron, which represents the self.

To the east (which in the medicine wheel is fire and spirit) I placed the corresponding tetrahedron and I also placed rutilated quartz, citrine and golden topaz.

To the south (which in the medicine wheel is emotion and water) I placed the icosahedron and blue lace agate, aquamarine and moonstone.

To the west (which in the medicine wheel is physical and earth) I placed the hexahedron/cube and carnelian, garnet and hematite.

To the north (which in the medicine wheel is mind and air) I placed the corresponding octahedron and the crystals, fluorite, selenite and amethyst.

I then created a circle around the mandala with crystals that I felt corresponded to the four elements in each of the four quadrants. In the fire/spirit quadrant I placed amber, in the water/emotion quadrant I placed rose quartz, in the earth/physical quadrant I placed carnelian and in the air/mental quadrant I placed snow quartz.

I then channeled energy through the mandala to Mother Earth asking that all four elements be balanced across the globe for the highest good of all involved.

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